Marine Corps short 6 infantry battalions, Navy short 100 ships, this new strength index says


    New Delhi, November 25, 2020: The Navy and Marine Corps are only “marginally” capable of meeting America’s national security needs, according to a new scorecard from The Heritage Foundation.

    The the conservative think tank’s 2021 Index of U.S. Military Strength had more than 20 authors take a look at the global operating environment and the mission of each branch of the U.S. military, it said.

    With an eye on near-peer competitors like China and Russia, as well as regional threats like Iran and North Korea, the organization graded each branch of the U.S. military based on its ability to complete its mission. The report graded all the military branches based on capacity, capability and readiness on a scale ranging from “very weak” to “very strong.”

    The Marine Corps received a rank of “marginal,” the middle score on the table, in all three categories and a marginal overall score.

    While the Navy received a “marginal” score in capability and readiness, while its capacity was marked as “weak.” The Navy’s overall score was marked as “marginal,” but the report notes the service is trending in the “weak” direction.

    The report also looked into the Army, Air Force and the nation’s nuclear capability, giving all three a “marginal” overall rating.

    The Army got top marks of “very high” on the readiness score, but its capacity was graded as “weak” and its capability was marked as “marginal.”


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