​Container ship grounding, Mar del Plata, Argentina


New Delhi, January 21, 2021: Container ship MADRID TRADER ran aground in fairway while entering Mar del Plata Port, Argentina, at around 1830 UTC Jan 20, with pilot on board. Reportedly, the ship grounded on a sandy bottom because of sailboats in the channel, obstructing safe navigation. Pilot requested port authorities to remove sailboats, and understood, the ship ran aground while waiting for sailboats to clear channel.

According to the reports published in fleetmon.com The ship was refloated in about an hour, and was safely berthed at port. She’s to undergo underwater hull survey. MADRID TRADER arrived from Montevideo, and is bound to sail to Montevideo, after completing cargo operations, providing survey won’t find any significant damages. In the morning Jan 21 she was still at port.


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