Tanker searched for drugs since August, nothing found, but search will go on


New Delhi, October 12, 2020: Product tanker STAR BALBOA is stuck at Port of Spain anchorage, Trinidad and Tobago, since Aug 29. Tanker was detained shortly after arrival, on a drug trafficking suspicion, says local news outlet “NEWSDAY Trinidad and Tobago”. Local law enforcement, tipped off by the US DEA, is searching tanker for drugs ever since, found nothing, and in bitter disappointment, but still hoping for “happy end”, demanded cargo tanks to be emptied of their cargo, to continue search.

To enliven bleak existence of the crew, authorities found nearly all of them to be positive tested. A team of lawyers representing tanker owner and crew, are trying to stop this insanity and release tanker, while owner demands compensation of US$11,700 daily, starting Sep 2. DEA meanwhile, said they’re ready to intervene and assist local anti-drug counterparts in their search according to the reports published in fleetmon.com.


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